Dec 15, 2006

Getting Started

by Marsha Ward

I am the founder of a 20-year-old group for LDS women writers, American Night Writers Association, or ANWA for short. Our members write for many purposes and for different audiences. Some of us enjoy writing in our journals. Several are published novelists or nonfiction book authors. Some are journalists. Others are freelancers. Many are just beginning their writing adventures or are actively working toward publication.

For some time, I've had the idea to do a group blog. I've invited several ANWA members to join me in voicing our ideas about life, the universe, and where we fit in the publishing world. It will take a bit of time to set up all the team members, so we will begin this new enterprise after the New Year comes. Watch for us!


  1. ANWA is a great group, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Marsha groupie. We also have meetings where we get to eat chocolate.

  2. Hey! We don't have chocolate at our meetings! Should it be in the bylaws?

  3. If this has actually posted, it is only because of Marsha's fearless leadership. She is determined that gray hair will not be a deterrent to cyber-ease, and is dragging several of us willy-nilly into blogdom. Thank you, Marsha. I have one toe in blogwater.

  4. Blog on, blog on, blog on. Or whatever it is that means. I'm new to blogging. My daughter, who is a myspace pro, tells me it's easy. Hopefully she's telling the truth!

  5. I'm here, Marsha! I was having trouble with cookies, and they weren't the edible kind! What a great idea you had! This is going to be a lot of fun.

  6. I'm here too. I think this is going to be fun.

  7. Say ... I'm here too, and I'm not even a part of the group!:-) But I have to admit, it does sound like a fun bunch of writers.

    And yes, chocolate should be in every group's bylaws. That and Cheese Doodles. (But I wouldn't advise eating both at the same time.)


Thank you for visiting. Feel free to comment on our blogger's posts.*

*We do not allow commercial links, however. If that's not clear, we mean "don't spam us with a link to your totally unrelated-to-writing site." We delete those comments.