Jul 14, 2016

What a Wonderful Thing it is to be a Writer

This weekend, we had our ANWA chapter meeting.  It's summertime.  The sun is shining.  Families are vacationing.  And people are pulled in a dozen different directions.   For this reason, I didn't expect many women at our meeting.

One woman showed up.

But what a wonderful meeting we had!  For the first time, I wasn't the newest writer in our group.  I had the opportunity to listen to this woman's journey, her story, why she writes, and what she hopes to accomplish by putting pen to paper. We read and edited each other's pages, discussed our WIP's and encouraged one another in their journey.

I went home invigorated and uplifted.  Not only because a friendship was strengthened, but a passion for writing was shared.   Although we write completely different genres, our love of writing made us kindred spirits.

As writers, all of us have much to offer the world, and to each other.  We are a sisterhood filled with passionate, like-minded individuals who choose to touch the world through written word. We pour our our hearts and souls, hoping our readers will understand and love us.  We slave over our work, obsessing day and night.  We dream of our stories, acting out scenes in our minds, and then one day, when we're ready, we let others take a peek.

Oh, what a wonderful thing it is to be a writer!  I become more excited with each woman I meet, and tidbit I learn.  I am fortunate to have found ANWA, and the women within.  The experience has been uplifting, enlightening, and liberating. I look forward to finally having a face and a body to go with the names I've learned on our Facebook page and through the blog.  Maybe I'll meet you at the conference.  Maybe we will meet at another time.  But until then, write on!  And know that I'm in your corner, cheering you on.



  1. Envious! Wish I could have been in your chapter! Nicely expressed, the idea that writing binds us as new friends.

  2. It is fabulous to have this resource, isn't it! Your post is a great reminder to me that I am not alone in this journey. Thanks!

  3. Sometimes I wish our chapter could be peopled instead of cyberspaced. It does make a difference.


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