Mar 25, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

By Betsy Love

I was listening to Julie Andrews and couldn’t help but think about some of my own favorite things:
Arizona sunsets at the end of a stormy afternoon
Late night talks with my daughter, who loves the Lord
Deacon sons who pass the sacrament
Dates with my eternal companion
Precious grandchildren who think I’m the best
Crawling into bed after a long day and snuggling into my soft, luxurious pillow
A note from a grateful student
Puppy licks and a wagging tails
Discovering the next part of my story
Playing with my characters as I drift off to sleep
Lobster dipped (drenched) in butter
Ocean waves as they bring their briny aroma
Warm sand between my toes
A baby’s laugh
A cool breeze on a spring day
My tickled tummy from swinging too high
Rubbing the nap of a freshly washed dog
Hot showers on cold frosty morns
Watching snowfall through the thick window pane
Birthday cards from unexpected friends
3:40 Monday thru Friday
Spring break!
Singing at the top of my lungs and not caring who hears:

(Sung, of course, to the familiar tune of “My Favorite Things”)
Creosote and juniper and deep summer rains
Thunder and lighting and soft breeze refrains
As song from a meadow lark makes my heart sing
These are a few of my favorite things

Pine needles crunching ‘neath thick leather boots
Raven and crow calls and owls night time hoots
Campfires crackling and smoke rising above
These are few of the things that I love

Sons holding priesthood and daughters of God
Returned missionary who faithfully logged
Hours and hours of serving his Savior divine
The things are the very most favorite of mine

My greatest joy is the one that I wed
Through laughter and sunshine I’m righteously led
Anticipating the time that we share
These are things that none can compare

When my life rough
When the way’s hard
And I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad
I could have gone on and on, but I’ll leave that for my prayers tonight. I am truly thankful for my Heavenly Father’s abundant gifts


  1. Wow, Betsy - that was wonderful.

  2. Brava, Betsy! what a happy post! I have come down with a nasty bug after attending a marathon hospital birth and I really needed that lift!

  3. You made me start making a list of my own blessings to thank Heavenly Father for. Thanks for reminding me of those many blessings. And some of my fav things I "stole" from your list.

  4. Dear Betsy:
    I love your new verses and all the things you said/sang. The part that rang truest for me today was discovering the next part to my novel. I've been stuck for months, spinning my wheels while perfecting the first 7 chapters but not inspired on what came next - and then I found it and wrote it and posted it yesterday. Yeah! I want to share your song with my family I hope that's okay with you.

  5. Margaret, of course you can share. Just make sure you mention my name!

  6. Yea, Betsy. I once made a list somewhat like that for my family, but I think you excelled me. Someone said, "when you count your blessings, your heart doesn't seem near as heavy." It's true. Thanks.

  7. What a sweet posting. Well done. Makes me smile just to think about your list. That might be a fun activity for the retreat--everyone write a verse. Then we could sing them all.


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