May 31, 2013

Writers and Cataracts

by Marsha Ward

What's a writer to do when the eyes start to give out?

Apparently, sometime in the not so distant future, this writer faces surgery for cataracts. The mere thought of someone mucking about with a cutting instrument anywhere in the vicinity of my eyes fills me with terror.

Somewhere, I picked up a snippet of information about preparation for a procedure. One may choose to have inserted--in place of the cloudy lens--either a corrective replacement lens for close vision, or one to allow distant vision.

I'm sure some of you have undergone such a surgery.  Or you may have a friend or relative who has done so.

In light of the close vision needed for computer work, which all writers do daily, what choice have you or other writers made?

Close or far? What should I choose? 

Discuss. . .


  1. My mom had cataract surgery this year and was really disappointed not to get her 20/20 vision back when it was done. She chose not to have the lens put in. Now she has to use glasses to see anything close and it drives her nuts.

  2. My mom had cataract surgery this year and was really disappointed not to get her 20/20 vision back when it was done. She chose not to have the lens put in. Now she has to use glasses to see anything close and it drives her nuts.

  3. My mother-in-law has had both eyes done. It turned out fabulous. No problems at all. Good luck!

  4. My mother-in-law also had hers done and is very happy with the results. hugs~

  5. I have a friend that had it done and so did her husband a few years ago. It worked good for them I believe. It would scare me.


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