Feb 27, 2016

Writing Tip #4 ~ By The WWD

by Cindy R. Williams

Writing Tip #4 By The WWD

Don't be afraid when your characters talk to you. It just means they want their story told. You are not any crazier than the next person.

Someone asked me to give them some writing tips. This sure got me thinking. Hmmm, . .  I could go online and find some for them. I could peruse my many books on writing and share. Then I realized that I have a few things that have come to me through the school of hard knocks. So I dug deep and came up with these. I call myself  the "WWD--Writer With Desire".  I will post them throughout the year.


  1. Interesting because my characters do not talk to me at all. What am I doing wrong? Just not listening?

  2. Have your character write you a letter. They do have plenty to say!

  3. Have your character write you a letter. They do have plenty to say!


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