Sep 24, 2016


by Cindy R. Williams

One of the best ANWA Conference is now complete. I can honestly say it was extremely illuminating for my personal growth as a writer and a person.

One of the incredible things about ANWA Conferences is the attendees. This was my 10th ANWA Conference and each time it's like coming home to my family of writers. To see so many people I know and love is wonderful. The fact that they are all writers--all of us are a little ummm . . . extra creative--is wonderful. Non-writers just don't get it. And what "it" is, is not definable. You just have to be a writer, and you know what I mean.

I came into the conference looking for some publishing answers. The publishing world seems to be changing rapidly. I wanted to know where the best place for me and my stories was in this world.

Here is what I have decided. I am going to be an "Indie/Hybrid Author." You know, a person that publishes some books independently, (formerly known as self-publishing), and one that has a number of books published traditionally by some well accepted publishing houses through a "real" agent.

Let me share with you why I have chosen to be an Indie/Hybrid Author.

  • Traditional publishing gives a writer more credibility. Even though indie publishing is becoming more accepted, there is still a bit of "thumbing the nose" at it. Traditionally publishing a book or two will establish me as a serious/professional writer who can play with the big boys.
  • Indie publishing will give me COMPLETE CONTROL, from concept to book cover. I LOVE the possibilities here. Plus, if I do my marketing, the 70% return is a potential for some actual money. Maybe even enough to buy a trip to Hawaii for my hubby and I in a few years maybe, although my hopes are much higher.
  • I hope to be able to bring in enough money so that I have only one job. I currently have FOUR; my writing career, part time newspaper reporter, my own company where I run PR campaigns for an engineering firm and others, and finally, I own a music studio. I teach; harp, guitar, 12 string guitar, bass guitar, banjo, ukulele, and piano. I must digress and add that my music is a source of great blessings to both my students and me. I LOVE to teach music. It's a gift to each student to open the magic world of music for them. Music is truly the voice of angels. 
  • As James Owen pointed out at the conference, He has books published by several big publishing houses and his own indie books selling side by side. Each sells for the same price, but he makes three to four times more on his indie books than his traditionally published books. This is extremely attractive. 
  • One of my favorite authors, Janette Rallison, also on the Indie/Hybrid panel at the ANWA Conference, stated that her agent died, yes, died, so she is agent-less at this time and is going to try more indie books. I admire Janette. She is a successful and smart lady.
  • Indie writer, Kelly Oram, made six figures with  her ebooks and print books on Amazon and from her fan base in Hungary, during 2014. WOW! I loved how open and honest she is. My favorite quote from her is: "I'm a hot-mess-Mom, and my fans know it." She tells it like it is and has worked hard to have a fan base of over 5,000 readers.
  • C. J Anaya began indie publishing in February of this year. Her first royalty check was around $2,500. She makes more than that now and it's only been seven months. She shared that she spent many hours researching how to optimize her sales on the internet. So there is much work for me to do.
Back to my decision. My goal is to be an Indie/Hybrid Author for the above reasons. I plan on blogging every two weeks about my journey. Come along for the ride.


  1. Good for you Cindy! and best of luck to you. You are amazing. thanks for sharing your thoughts and wisdom on this topic. Gave me a lot to think about.

  2. Welcome Kari. It's going to be a fun journey.

  3. I am always so jealous of you guys. Maybe one day I can get there.


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