Mar 21, 2009

Out of the Mouth of Babes

By Cindy R. Williams

I have a new book idea. It will be something along the lines of "Out of the Mouth of Babes, or "We Can Be Taught." It will be short stories of real life examples of lessons parents learn from children. The following will be one of the experiences for my book.

A few weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, I was driving to my son's high school basketball game with my eight-year-old son. I was stressed out about my upcoming weekend. My very wise little boy sat in the middle seat of the van listening quietly to me as I planned out loud, speaking mostly to myself, about how I had to attend the yearly ANWA General Board Meeting Saturday at 10:00, but a lovely elderly man in our ward had just passed away. His widow called and asked if I would play my harp at his funeral at that same time as the ANWA meeting. She said her husband loved to hear me play and would I please play for him one last time. Of course I would.

I had notified the Board that I would be late for the meeting---two hours late. After playing my harp at the funeral, and attending the end of the ANWA meeting, two of my sons had basketball games that afternoon. Then I was hosting a family barbecue that evening. Sunday, our Sacrament Meeting is at 8:00, and I was one of the speakers. My topic was "Becoming a consecrated Disciple of Christ." I had already prepared my talk, but one still has nerves to deal with. Directly after Sacrament, I would have to hurry home and once again pack up my harp. The "Heavenly Seven," our little ANWA musical group that formed at last summer's Retreat, was performing in a ward in Mesa.

I finished my walk through of my plans for the next two days with a heavy sigh and said, "I will sure be glad when this weekend is over." My inspired little boy said in a sure, quiet voice, "Look at it this way Mom, look at all the service you are giving."

My heart melted. Out of the mouth of babes. That was exactly what I needed to hear. From that point on, I looked at my busy weekend as an opportunity to serve others, and all the worry and stress floated away. I said a prayer in my heart while driving, thanking my Father in Heaven for my wise little son. I learned much about becoming a consecrated Disciple of Jesus Christ from my son. It turned out to be a lovely weekend full of service, peace and the Spirit.


  1. Talk about the "eternal perspective." Thanks for sharing that great thought with us.

  2. Oh write that book Cindy. There is a reason Heavenly Father tells us to be as little children.

  3. Thanks ladies. I'll have to decide if I want to fill it with the gazillion wonderful lessons my own children teach me, or if I will collect stories from others. Whatever I do, it will sure be uplifting to write.

  4. Great story, Cindy! Write that book. I love to hear about the wisdom children share as they see things with such fresh perspective...and tender, open hearts. Thanks for the lift!

  5. Even though I hadn't planned or orchestrated the event, I felt a tad guilty as I read how busy you'd already been. I, too, found myself complaining inwardly about 'having' to go sing with you that Sunday. But wasn't it fun? To my ears, we even sounded good, and your harp made it wonderful.

    To quote my husband again, "The opportunity for service seldom, if ever, comes at a convenient time." Add to that, "The time to hurry is before you get in the car." And I'll add my own. "Relax whenever you can."

  6. Anna, you are always a breath of fresh air!


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