Apr 19, 2009

Susan Boyle and Living Your Dreams

by Marsha Ward

I'm pretty sure nearly everyone who is active on email, blogs, or other Internet social media has heard by now of Susan Boyle. This unknown woman from a tiny Scottish village wowed the judges and audience of the UK reality talent show, Britain's Got Talent. The audition that was included in the opening for this season hit YouTube, and at the time of this writing, the main video has received over 27,400,000 views! That's just for one version, and there are several, with millions of hits on each one of them, as well.

Go look at the most-watched version:


Susan will certainly get a chance to live her dream. How about you?

Whether your dream is to write a best-selling novel, or to be a professional singer, you have to put in the time and hard work. You also need a lot of luck, but the luck won't help if you didn't do the work.

Go write. Learn the basics. Attend conferences and workshops. Write 100 words today. Join with other writers to hone your work against the whetstone of good critique groups. Never give up. Submit your work when you're ready.

Most of all, don't give up on your dream!


  1. I still can't view the video without getting a little teary-eyed. It's such a great story. Of course, she had the beautiful voice to back up her dream, so your reminders are good--we need to put in the work to make the dream happen.

    The other part of the story is her choice to put herself out there knowing the world would not view her as the typical popular singer type. I know sometimes I let my image of myself hold me back, so she inspires me.

  2. Wow...I have not had any sound on my computer for weeks now..and I want to hear her so badly!!!

    Thanks for the reminder, Marsha. She really is an inspiration and I need to stop letting these feelings of inadequacy from holding me back!


  3. Marsha, thanks for being the first one to share this story with us via the ANWA email groups. I keep getting it again and again from people. It is such a grand story. I love your blog post. Truthful, heartfelt and TO THE POINT!!

  4. Marsha, Like Stephanie, I first learned of Susan from your ANWA email. As you said, we all need to work hard and not quit. What an amazing story Susan has, and I hope we will all work hard and write our own amazing stories. Thanks for the blog.

  5. You just couldn't help liking her from the moment she stepped on stage. What courage!

  6. Never Surrender....this is my thought as I read your inspiring post.
    Never give up, and never surrender to the dream. It's never to late...Never.
    (I just have to stifle the negativity and focus on the solution!)

  7. Go for your dreams!! Reach for the stars!!


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