Mar 21, 2013

New Chapters and Sequels

by Kari Diane Pike

I loved Cindy's post a couple of days ago about character recipes. I have an extensive recipe collection of the gastronomic type...I love to cook. I also have a lot of characters in my family -- there are a lot of us. This morning I have grandchildren, in-laws, and children gathering together (about 65 of us for dinner tomorrow night) for the beginning of what I started to call an new chapter in our lives -- but can see now that it is not so much a new chapter for me, but a spin-off, or a sequel in formation. Child number 6 is getting married the day after tomorrow. This is a happy moment, a relief to the chaos and challenges of the past year. So, since I am pressed for time and my internet connection is sketchy at best, here is the recipe our family created in 2012.

The Pike Family Recipe For A Memorable 2012
Ingredients: Douglas, Kari, Amy (Sean), Kenny (Aprilynne), Kati (Chris), Jared (Christin), Elizabeth (Daryn), Ammon (and soon-to-be, Cambrai), Brittany, Micaela, Levi, the dog (Gentry), the cat (Jules), and the birds (Stevie, and Sky) and 18 (as of January 23, 2013) grandchildren.
1.    Begin the year by seasoning Doug with a rub of unemployment. Leave in Highland,Utah the rest of winter and let marinate. Check frequently for signs of a job.
2.    Pour Kari, Micaela, Levi, the two birds, the cat and the dog into a house. Stir in school, work, laundry, cello lessons, soccer, friends, Gilmore Girls’ marathons, church activities, Scouts, gardening, baking, reading, writing, and packing boxes. 
3.    Sprinkle with visits from Amy, Kenny, Kati, Jared, Elizabeth,,, (and their spouses and children), Ammon (so he can do his laundry), and Brittany. Oh…add a pinch of Grandma Pike, Grandpa and Grandma Collamer, and Grandpa and Grandma Newcomb and various other Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.
4.    As the temperatures rise, remove from Highland, Utah house and stuff Douglas, Kari, Brittany, Micaela, Levi, Sky, Jules, and Gentry into a tent trailer in David and Becky Brooke’s driveway in Alpine (well, Levi, and Gentry slept in the house).  Baste with summer rain showers. Smoke with nearby forest fire. Let stew for 8 weeks.
5.    Fold in job offers from California, Idaho, and Oregon. Sprinkle on some magnificent chaos.
6.    Dunk Doug into Coos Bay, Oregon for three days. Quickly remove and set in Arizona’s July heat and leave to dry.  Baste with a new job in Mesa, Arizona and set to rise.
7.    Pour Doug, Kari, Micaela, Levi, and Brittany into Kenny’s house in Glendale, Arizona. Set oven to bake.
8.    Remove Brittany to Northern Arizona University and then to Brigham Young University.
9.    Increase temperatures with a couple of car accidents, and scares with Grandma and Grandpa Collamer’s health.
10.    As temperatures cool, frost with more soccer, piano lessons, choir, church activities and grandchildren (We have three new ones in that past 13 months – MaesonAnne Rose Anderson – January 12th, Emali Anne Carbonneau – April 4th, and Franklin Jerome Wright – January 23rd, 2013), and Ammon’s engagement to Cambrai Loftus.
11.    Top with generous amounts of good health, daily miracles and tender mercies, heaps of friendship and hugs, and buckets of love.
12.    Serve over best wishes for your 2013 and a solid layer of hope in Christ and His Atoning sacrifice.
We hope you know how much we love and care about you. As crazy as this recipe has been, we think of you often and hope that life is treating you well. We would love to hear about what you’ve been up to!  Come visit, call, write, text, or… come visit!


  1. I LOVE, Love this! It would make a fun Christmas card. It is a smooth summary that shows personality and many emotions. I think between the two entries this week I need to try writing a recipe.

  2. PS - This is a recipe I may not want to "make" (had the unemployment spice before) but is a nice one to read and ahh at :-)

  3. And I'm just trying to find employment ha.

    1. That's not a "just"...that's a big challenge! Prayers being said for you, Terri!

  4. Kari, This is so clever! I love the way you've summed up your year. If you make it like Christmas cookies, it could be your Christmas newsletter :) just sayin' :)


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