Sep 1, 2014

August was Poetry Month?

By Stacy Johnson
I joined a postcard poetry party for the month of August. I'd like to say thank you to Lara, my new ANWA sister who organized the group. I wasn't able to write much during the craziness of June and July and I needed something simple and easy to get me back in the habit when the kids went back to school and I tried to find my groove. I'm glad August was that month to write a simple poem small enough to fit on a postcard. It was really all my frazzled brain could handle and I did write every day even if I didn't get my postcards sent out in a timely matter (that's a whole different challenge).

I had a stressful month personally and it was interesting to read what I wrote on specific days and re-live how I was feeling. Some of my poems were light hearted and some were dark. Each one allowed me a way to vent and get things off my chest in a creative way, in a way that helped me understand some of my frustration, anger and loneliness as well as be reminded of the many joys I have in my life.

What I re-learned this month was that when I choose to make a goal to write everyday, I am constantly thinking about writing whether it is an article for the newspaper, an entry to my blog, a journal entry or a poem. My brain kept thinking about things that I wanted to say and now I feel like I'm back into writing mode so that September will be much more productive.

An Acrostic Poem
Because I need to relax and
Escape. I relish
The peaceful harmonies.
Hearing the bow dance on the violin strings
Or the cello's low melodic tones, drowns the
Vexations of my responsibilities allowing me to
Experience a little peace and makes me a
Nicer person.

Thank you for the month long therapy session Lara. You were an answer to prayers that I didn't know I was going to ask for.

1 comment:

  1. That whole making goals thingy seems a far distant moment for me lol. Glad you found your groove. Keep writing.


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