Oct 3, 2015

General Conference

by Cassie Shiels

General Conference is a wonderful time. It's a time of reflection, learning, ah ha moments, growth, and peaceful feelings. For us with young kids, its also a time of trying to get our kids to listen, with often treats, little games, crayons, etc.  But it's worth it, even if we only get to hear a talk or two. Many of us look forward to this weekend and are very well spiritually fed. I know for me, it's a bit of a challenge with my young kids, but I look forward to it every 6 months, too.

I hope you all had a great time with conference!


  1. Family emergency caused me to only get to actually see Sunday morning, but I thought President Monson's intensity was compelling.

  2. I loved every minute of it. The talks I missed because of "distractions" I have been listening to online. I miss the traditions we used to do when our children we small. But I enjoy sharing our thoughts on the messages with our now grown children and with our grandchildren. Love General Conference! hugs~


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