May 14, 2016

Losing track of time

By Cassie Shiels
Have you all noticed that time seems to be getting faster? I remember as a little girl the year taking longer, the week lasting longer, and now it's like, what happened to April? That's what happened to this weekend. It was Friday and I said I have to write my post for Saturday before I forget, then the baby cried or something and before I knew it it's Monday and I'm wondering what happened to my weekend. Half of May is gone and deadlines for things are sneaking up.
Before I know it summer will be gone and School will be starting. Right now I'm looking at the last few weeks of school and cheering for summer time but the way this year is going, it's gonna go fast. I can feel it now.
What do you all do to keep up with time speeding by? How do you get your goals accomplished?
Are you a list maker? An "I have a general idea" kind of person? And how does that affect your writing?
All I can say is with life going by so fast, it helps to make sure that every day counts. On days where I get nothing done and maybe watch to much TV, I always feel a bit guilty and think I wasted a day. A whole day!
So what I am trying to do is make sure that every day has a purpose, that there are no wasted days. That might mean that I do some learning with my kids to make the day feel that way. I might get a lot of writing done, or presswork of my childbirth classes, or  a few loads of laundry. But one way or another I try to make the day count. I have noticed that I do a bit better with a list, it keeps me on track.
What do you do to make your days count? What is your definition of that? Its an interesting thing to figure out for sure.


  1. I know this is probably weird but I believe in what Sister Cheiko Okazaki said about seasons of your life. Maybe now is not the season to write so don't beat yourself up. Just jot down scenes or ideas and come to them when the season of writing comes around. And it will.

  2. Ditto what Terri said. And yes, time seems to speed up exponentially as I age. I am a list maker, but I also try really hard to allow the Spirit to help - not only in writing the list - but in being able to let go of the list and go with the best. opportunities for serving almost never follow a schedule. I waste too much time getting sucked into internet research that gets hijacked by human interest stuff (aka Facebook. LOL). hugs~


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