Feb 28, 2009

We have to take a stand

I enjoy reading romance books from the 50’s and 60’s because it seems that people were held to a higher standard back then. The girl who DIDN’T sleep around was the heroine. The men were expected to be honorable with regards to their treatment of women. Family and family life was treated with honor. Honesty was revered. Hard work was respected. It went without saying that one should behave in a decorous and respectful way. I believe that in the past it was a lot easier to ‘go with the flow’ and still be GOOD. If you strayed off the ‘path’ usually that meant doing something BAD … and people looked down on you for it. Now, it seems the world has flipped 180°. Good is bad and bad is good.

In today’s society if one ‘goes with the flow’ it seems more likely they would NOT be living gospel standards. In dress, politics, morality, family expectations, viewpoints on gender, religion, and countless other things. I think that we can no longer be silent. We must not. Just as President Hinckley states, we must STAND FOR SOMETHING, and to do so requires courage, faith, and going against the crowd. Being unpopular. Sometimes it means standing alone, even when dealing with friends or family.

Wouldn’t you say this is the reason that these last days are considered the hardest to live in? I think of Mormon and his son Moroni. The Nephites who were almost always outnumbered, yet who stood strong and held tight to their beliefs no matter what befell them. When the Nephites stopped standing up for what they knew was true, they eventually fell. Mormon compiled these records for US for OUR DAY because he saw that we were going to deal with the same thing.

We can no longer stand silently by the wayside. I believe that we have to take a stand even when it is unpopular, looked down upon, or ridiculed. We have to take a stand. We have to know what we believe, why we believe it, and hold our head up high when we are confronted … because we will be confronted sooner or later.

These are not the days for cowardice or compromise. We are here on this earth, at this time, for a reason. And I believe that as we stand up for these truths, we will be ridiculed, but we will also be watched and even followed by some.


  1. Thanks for being awesome, Shawnette!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're so right, Shawnette! And the more of us who stand up together, the stronger we will be.

  4. Good points. I served as the Prop 102 coordinator in our ward and was surprised by some of the members. Some refused to get involved, a few were even offended that we were supporting that marriage in Arizona be one man and one woman. I realized that the weeding of the wheat and the tarres has begun. Thank you for your blog.

  5. Good points. I served as the Prop 102 coordinator in our ward and was surprised by some of the members. Some refused to get involved, a few were even offended that we were supporting that marriage in Arizona be one man and one woman. I realized that the weeding of the wheat and the tarres has begun. Thank you for your blog.

  6. And it gets tougher by the day Shawnette. I do believe that's why Heavenly Father left his brightest and best for the latter days. They are going to need the ability to stand alone. Which is hard.

  7. Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments. It is uplifting to find those who are willing to stand alone ... along side you :)

  8. I completely agree with you Shawnette! It is crucial for us to stand up and speak out for what we know is right and true. We can't be fence sitters any longer. I never thought I would see a day in this country when "good" people doing "good" things would be scorned, while people who are choosing unwholesome and destructive activities are cheered on! I can feel the energy around us building up...frightening and exciting all at the same time, don't you think?

  9. Well said! I noticed in general conference that President Monson said that often the faithful are "picketed and persecuted."

    On every moral issue that politics jumps in on, the Church is picketed, and church members are persecuted. I guess that's why it's so important for us to take a stand.

    And we don't have to fight, or be insensitive. But we must teach the truth.

    I wrote a blog entry about my feelings about gay marriage awhile back. I was getting sick of hearing people get after the church on the subject. I've never felt that this was a political subject, and I had to say something.


    I hope I handled the subject okay.

    Anyway, thanks for the great post. I hope we can all stand for truth in a shifting world!

    - Chas


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