Jul 8, 2010

Caregiver Musing

by Susan G. Haws

I am a caregiver. While the world has learned from the Cullens that immortality isn’t all movie premieres and Volvos it does sound appealing; if you have your physical abilities and your faculties. Rather than a broken hip or osteoporosis, it would be nice if God sent emails or calligraphied snail mail saying, “your time is ticking.” Instead of a heart attack or a stroke perhaps pictures of an hourglass trickling sand or a digital countdown. One of the cruelest indignities of a frail body is a Swiss cheese memory. I say one because there are many heartless tricks the failing body plays on the soul. But memory as much air as substance does have the plus of allowing a person to think that loved ones long passed over are just in the other room, out of reach only for a moment. In God’s view I guess that is what it is. Personally, I wish God wasn’t big on bodies as biological clocks, and learning from suffering. So, while I would not want to drink blood or live with a person that might want to drink my blood I wouldn’t mind both of us being physically and mentally top notch until the moment our numbers were called.  I have to say a farewell party before transformation rather than a funeral has significant appeal.  Just thinking.


  1. Totally. I like the idea of a farewell in theory, but sadly, in practice it never works out that way, does it? I've often wished I could imagine the departed loved ones were just on extended business trips. I don't usually grieve when someone goes on a business trip. I know I'm going to see them again and they'll have stories to tell when I do. Just like those who have passed on, but different.

  2. I agree. I'd rather be top notch when I'm older and smarter. As the poet said sadly, "youth is wasted on the youth."

  3. Beautiful writing, Susan. You had so many good thoughts in there that I had to read it twice. First for the writing then again for the ideas.


  4. I agree. Could we get a heads up that life is going to take a sharp right turn? I'm totally looking forward to the resurrection -no aging!!

  5. loved you post, Susan. Having watched my father-in-law suffer the ravages of Alzheimer's, I can see where you are coming from. My heart skips a beat every time my hubby "forgets" something now. ugh.


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