Aug 23, 2012

The View From the Other Side of the Desk

by Kari Diane Pike

Two weeks ago I stepped into a completely new world. After twenty-eight years of consuming education services, I accepted a temporary position as an office assistant in an elementary school. The view is quite different from the other side of the desk. (I won't go into what the view inside my home has become!! I've also discovered the solution to being a full-time mom and having a second job -- give up sleep.)

To begin with, I've never worked full-time outside of my home. While I've volunteered as an aide at various schools on numerous occasions, I've never been the person "responsible" for what is going on. And while I've witnessed stressed-out parents lose their cool now and then, I had no idea how unreasonably demanding some people can be.  I have new respect for the men and women who work so hard to help my children obtain their education.

Next, I had a friend message me and tell me that I have an "editing vibe" about me and asked if I would be interested in donating time to edit articles for a nonprofit website. The new doors that continue to open fascinate me. I feel like a kid trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.

My magnificent chaos is beginning to take shape and form. I can't see the whole picture yet, but what I am creating is going to be spectacular!



  1. I can relate! I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

  2. Awesome growth Kari. Keep us posted.

  3. Kari,

    I love reading your blogs. It is a sneak peak into your new experiences and fun to follow. Thank you for sharing. Your wonderful attitude always shines through.


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