Oct 3, 2014

Disaster or Miracle?

This is the post I wrote in my head this morning. (Right now it's 10 pm and I'm tired so I don't feel this way, but I will tomorrow morning. Catch me in the early hours of the day. I'm better.)

One could say my life is a disaster.

We just finished our mission, and I miss the converts I worked with a LOT.

When we got home, we immediately went to work to get our house ready to sell. The realtor suggested we take up the carpet and redo the hardwood floors. 

This is our kitchen right now.

Our bedroom.

To top it off, my husband had to go to the emergency room the first of the week. He couldn't breathe and felt sick to his stomach. After many tests, he is now scheduled for triple by-pass surgery along with a valve replacement. He's been in the hospital all week, and will be there for a at least ten more days.

After our mission life seemed to fall apart, or did it?

We have the blessing of talking to our family and all the converts who are like family as often as we can. Their prayers, along with ours, will pull us through. We are a much bigger extended family than we were. And I LOVE big families.

Even though our kitchen and bedroom are a mess, this is what our floors look like.

I'm excited for my husband's surgery (although it's scary) because he'll have a lot more energy and feel much better than he has. And we're so grateful we got to finish our mission before he fell apart.

So I can see shambles, or I can see miracles. 

Ask me when I'm not too tired, and I can find the miracles. Life is good!


  1. Miracles, indeed! I'm so glad you did get to finish your mission and that your husband's health held out and he can now get the care he needs to heal. and I'm glad you caught the problem in time before something more serious occurred. You do have angels watching over you. That wood floor is gorgeous. Sending hugs and prayers!

  2. Wow your attitude is better than mine would be. Prayers for all of you.


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