Jan 1, 2015

Changes to Our Blog

by Marsha Ward

ANWA Founder and Friends has been bringing insightful blog posts to you about Life, The Universe, and Writing and Publishing on a regular basis since 2007. As I look back, that's a pretty astounding record!

This year, we're going to change things up a bit. Our schedule will have three posts each week. Marsha Ward and Terri Wagner will blog on alternating Tuesdays, Kari Pike and Andilyn Jenkins will appear on Thursdays, and Cindy Williams and Christy Monson will alternate on Saturdays. This blog schedule is posted in a Page just above this message.

This means we're saying good-bye to some fantastic women who have been Members of our Blog Team: Beckie Carlson, Claire Enos, Heidi Murphy, Lucinda Whitney, and Stacy Johnson. While we will miss their participation, they have busy lives (as we all do), and have elected to move on with other activities.

Stay tuned for other refinements and features on our Blog. We all wish you the Happiest of New Years, with abundant blessings and joy!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. Best wishes to Beckie, Claire, Heidi, Lucinda and Stacy! And Happy New Year to you, Marsha! hugs~

  2. It's been so much fun Beckie, Claire, Heidi, Lucinda, and Stacy. Hate to see you go, but completely understand. Wishing you great success on your future endeavors. Looking forward to what lies ahead for the blog as well.


Thank you for visiting. Feel free to comment on our blogger's posts.*

*We do not allow commercial links, however. If that's not clear, we mean "don't spam us with a link to your totally unrelated-to-writing site." We delete those comments.