Mar 31, 2015

Indie Writer's Resources

by Marsha Ward

I'm an indie writer and author. That means I don't take the traditional path to publication through an agent and publisher. When I began to publish, I was forced into doing it myself (with the help of a now-despised outlet) because of a medical diagnosis. My days were numbered, my doctor said. Fortunately, he made a slight mistake, for which I am very grateful. Nevertheless, I was set upon a path that I've embraced wholeheartedly, because, well, I'm a control freak!

My current books are published by WestWard Books.

As my own publisher, I write, arrange for beta readers and editing, do my own covers or use a designer, format both ebooks and print editions, arrange for distribution, maintain websites, do all the publicity and marketing, and engage readers through social media and an email newsletter.

Yes, it's hard work! However, I love what I do, and most readers seem to like the results of my labors.

I could not have done all that I have achieved without the help of many, MANY people; and thousands of websites. My thirst for knowledge keeps me learning all the time, because so much changes in the world of book publication, and I have to keep on top of the changes, to the best of my ability.

Here are some of the sites that have helped me along the way. The list is not very long, so you'll likely need to expand it to include places you find yourself through links and referrals of other writers.

The Writings and Opinions of Dean Wesley Smith: one of my first mentors--check out the series of posts under "Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing"

The Passive Voice: A Lawyer's Thoughts on Authors, Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing

A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: advice and thoughts from the often-profane but very helpful J.A. Konrath--go back and read 2009-2013 posts for a college education

David Gaughran/Let's Get Digital: a good watchdog for writers' interests, and always helpful

Advanced Fiction Writing Blog - Randy Ingermanson (the Snowflake Guy): if you're a plotter, the Snowflake Method can be invaluable to you in planning out a novel

Kristen Lamb's Blog: Very helpful to my style of writing--I never miss reading all her posts

Hugh Howey: a newer mentor

The Write Conversation: a Christian-oriented blog that has many helpful posts

I'm sure that as you check out these links, you'll find a wealth of knowledge, not only for those of you who are investigating or are on the indie writer path, but for other writers who need tips on using the Internet for publicity efforts, as well.

Which site can be most helpful to you?


  1. Wow. This is a wonderful list. I don't even know where to begin. (Hmmm...maybe I should start by finishing my first draft.) There is so much to learn! I'm glad the doctor was mistaken. The world is a better place having you in it. hugs~

    1. Yes, finish the first draft, and thanks, Kari! I'm also glad the doctor was wrong.


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