Aug 1, 2015

Writers Worries, I Don't Have Enough Time To Write

by Cindy R. Williams

"I don't have enough time to write" is a false statement. You make time for the things you CARE about--for the things you WANT and NEED to do. Make up your mind if you are going to write or not.

Here are a few examples:

A former Stake President and Court Judge in Thatcher, Arizona got up at 4:00 AM to write two hours each day before his work-day began.

A single mother of seven wrote 12 novellas in 1 year, while working outside her home to support her family.

Many women write late at night, after their daily work is done, outside and inside the home, and their family is sound asleep. This is how ANWA, American Night Writers Association got its name. There are over 300 women in ANWA currently, and many still live by this pattern.

One woman with three children was bedridden the last half of her pregnancy, so she wrote a book.

The mother of five fed her children cereal for dinner for a week so that she could meet a writing deadline. The kids lived.

One single lady with a full time job, ghost wrote a book in a month from scratch. That is amazing enough in itself, but there is more to it. She had to transcribe the notes from a tape, organize topics, fill in the transcriptions, format, edited, and send the to the printers for hard copies and create an ebook version--all while fighting a stomach problem that required hospitalization and three major tests and treatments performed.

Stop the excuses. If you truly want to be a writer . . . MAKE IT HAPPEN!


  1. Ok already I will drop that excuse from my line up LOL Great post

  2. Very good point. Well more excuses. thanks!


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