Jun 9, 2008

Summer Reading Challenge

by Joyce DiPastena

In case some of you aren’t aware (I wasn’t until I was browsing the internet Saturday night), the LDS Fiction blog is holding a summer reading challenge called “Summer Book Trek 2008”. All the rules and information are listed on the blogsite—just click on the LDS Fiction link in this post for details. Simply put, between June 1 and August 31, everyone is challenged to read at least one fiction book by an LDS writer—not necessarily “LDS books”, just one written by an LDS author—then post a review of the book on your blog. If you don’t have a blog, LDS Fiction has set up a link with Karlene Browning to provide a blog for you where you can list your reviews instead. And just to make the challenge extra-special fun, LDS Fiction is offering WEEKLY PRIZES for taking part!

One of the rules is to list the books you’re committing to read on your blog. I’ll be listing my choices later today on my JDP NEWS site, but I also want to share my commitment here. In the hopes that I can squeeze out reading a minimum of one book per month this summer, these are the titles I’ve chosen for this challenge:

The Arthurian Omen, by G. G. Vandagriff
Dante’s Daughter, by Kimberley Heuston
The Great and the Terrible: The Second Sun, by Chris Stewart (I’ve been borrowing the books from my sister, so I’m behind in the series…hopefully, I’ll catch up with the other volumes this fall, maybe sooner, depending on how fast I read this summer)

So how about the rest of you? Who else would like to go on a Summer Book Trek in 2008?


  1. I'm taking the challenge, Joyce. I've seen reading challenges come and go and never signed up, but this one is so low-pressure that I jumped in with four books on my list.

    Rebecca Talley is participating, too, I believe, as is Stephanie Abney, who got me interested. Who else?

  2. I saw your name on the list, Marsha, as well as Stephanie's and Rebecca's. I just stumbled across the challenge, and liked the low-key nature of it, too. Hope you don't mind me borrowing the ANWA blog to help try to get the word out about it!

  3. Hmmm...I think I would like to take that challenge...I'll have to take a look. Thanks, Joyce!

  4. Joyce, I'm glad you used the blog to inform others about the challenge. It's a great idea, simple (and changable) format and should prove very effective.

    My list is on my blog, but when I signed up I somehow missed getting that cute little logo over to my blog... maybe Marsha, you can email me and explain what I missed.
    Happy reading everyone!!


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