Dec 12, 2009

My New Years Resolutions

by Cindy R. Williams

My New Year's Resolutions, illustrated by cats and a dragon.

The look on this red tabby's face and tilt of its' head hit home to how I feel about my New Years Resolutions. That is; curious, ready to take on what ever comes my way, and looking at things from a different angle.

My #1 Goal is Writing. Here's my plan.

1. Write at least one hour a day, but shoot for three. (I hate guilt, and am tired of being a master guilter. No, make that the Queen of the Master's of Guilt. I can usually squeeze in at least an hour. If not, then I don't have my priorities straight.)

2. Make an agenda of WIP including which is first in line, and attainable deadlines.
3. Get my middle grade novel about a boy and a dragon edited, research agents, send queries to said agents, and give some publishing houses a go.

4. Create my ebook with one of my WIP's.
5. Have the courage to let my work go and put it on the line.

6. Continue to support my fellow writers.
7. Continue to be active and supportive in ANWA.

8. Change my answering machine message to something creative about writing like, "Sorry, work in progress, or creativity is happening, or, we are visiting another reality, so no one is available. You are welcome to leave a message. Calls will be returned in late afternoon if possible the residents of this home return to this realm." Then turn off the ringer until I complete my writing for the day.

9. Leave all email, etc. until after my writing is done.
10. New Years Goals for me must include the old standby to lose a few pounds along the way. I hope to be so involved in my writing world, that I will lose my sweet tooth, hunger, and even fasination with food, and chocolate in general. Who knows. It's a new year afterall, and good things are going to happen. Hummm, hang on, chocolate is a good thing too. I hear dark chocolate is actually good for you. Anyone out there heard a rumor about icecream being good for you too? Even just a hint of a rumor? If so, I will take your word for it ;o). Yummy food is really one of the great Wonders of the World.


  1. Love the pictures, Cindy! and I am motivated to spend some time pondering upon and setting some new goals. Things have been so busy I hadn't stopped to think about that yet...Thanks!

  2. In another reality fits most writers doesn't it?

  3. Your goals seem like such a great start, great things are bound to happen this coming year (:. And thanks for the reminder to set some! I feel like I'm living only in the moment right now. Love the pictures, too.

  4. Thanks Sarah, it is going to be a great year if we make it so!


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