Dec 15, 2009

A Heavenly Spark

by Valerie Ipson

Many of the sisters in our midst have endured trials this past year. Some heart-wrenching, some less so. We have sorrowed with you and prayed for you and learned from your steady examples of faith. To you I give this quote from Washington Irving. I read that it is the quote taped to Stephanie Nielson's refrigerator to give her strength through her dark days of recovery. (She is the fellow Arizonan who was badly burned over most of her body in a plane crash over a year ago. Read her inspiring blog here.)

"There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity."


  1. Thanks Valerie for sharing this with us. I believe it is true, and hope to step through some dark hours.

  2. Valerie, I love, love, love this quote! Thank you so much for posting it. It is going on my refrigerator for the whole family (and those friends who dare enter) to see. Wow.


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