Dec 11, 2009

Thoughts on Semester's End

by Sarah Albrecht

It's the end of the semester, and my house is messy, my kids are cooking dinner, and my blog isn't written. Neither are my Christmas cards.

That's okay, though. The house will get cleaned, the kids know a little more about cooking sausages (breakfast for dinner, you know), the blog's getting done now, short, and I just may resort to e-mailing Christmas greetings this year. I like getting things done in a more orderly manner, but sometimes it doesn't work that way. Adaptability doesn't always seem like the fit I want, but it's a lot easier than to struggle with what isn't working.

And I have to say I loved what I've learned in school. It's a Master's in Secondary Ed., just two classes so far, but it's so exciting; as a bonus, everything applies to where I am in my family life right now. With regret I've put my non-school writing projects on hold in exchange for a different type of learning. Adaptability doesn't always seem like the fit I want, but it's a lot easier than to struggle with what isn't working.

Just one more paper to submit, after posting this blog--then I can face holiday preparation. I might not get all the cookies baked, but...we'll adapt.


  1. Good for you Sarah. Thanks for the reminder. missionary son has written that he realizes one of the things he is learning on his mission is adaptability. Loved the way you wrote it!

  2. Adaptability, that's an important skill to learn. I hear you about the non-school writing projects on hold right now as I'm working on my batchelor's degree. I'm excited for you and your adventure in school. I'd bag the cookies and simplify this year.

  3. Keep that attitude up and you'll survive anything intact.


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