Jul 8, 2012

Do We Absorb What We Read . . . or Sing?

by Marsha Ward

A hymn we sang in church last week has been running through my head. I wonder if we ever pay attention to what the words of poems or lyrics of songs or hymns are meant to convey?

God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
Hymn 78, Hymns of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1985
Text: Daniel C. Roberts; Music: George W. Warren
God of our fathers,
whose almighty hand leads forth in beauty all the starry band of shining worlds in splendor through the skies,
Our grateful songs before thy throne arise.
See how that middle phrase goes on and on without a break? Look at what it says. When you take a breath or your mind pauses after the end of the line of music at "starry band," you lose all concept that it's a band of shining worlds God is leading forth that the lyricist was talking about.

Next time you sing this hymn, let your mind, if not your voice, continue the continuity of the phrase, and I promise you, your time spent singing it will become more meaningful.

Do you have a favorite hymn that causes you to think?


  1. One of those things that makes you think, like the phrasing of the Pledge. I love "Hum YOur Favorite Hymn and many other Primary Children songs. They are written with few words and are so clear. Simplicity is my game.

  2. "When Faith Endures" has lifted my thoughts the past couple of months.

    and "Lord, I Would Follow Thee."


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