Nov 29, 2008

Seasons and Reasons for Thanksgiving.

At Thanksgiving time we have the opportunity to reflect on everything we are grateful for in the past and present. This year I have some new items I am thankful for along with standbys that I will always appreciate.
I am so glad to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am buoyed up by the teachings in my youth from parents, primary, young women, Sunday school teachers, seminary and institute. The knowledge gained then has supported me through trials in my adulthood. My testimony that Jesus Christ is my Savior and loves me comforts me and gives me peace.
I am very thankful for my family. I have two wonderful children who are educated, caring and responsible adults. I have a super daughter-in-law and three beautiful and talented granddaughters.
I am fortunate enough to still have my mother living. This year she has been close by while serving her fourth mission. I have been able to spend more time visiting with her and learning from her excellent example of dedicated service. Her enduring love of my father and the gospel’s reassurance of eternal families bring her hope.
I am very grateful that I am a citizen a country where very divergent views are allowed to be expressed, we are free to live our religion, and basic human rights are respected. This year’s election brought our more political activity than we’ve seen in a long time and gave us all opportunity to examine our values and those of our candidates and of the issues on the ballot.
I appreciate now what at the time I thought was awful. When I sold my home due to illness and inability to make the mortgage payments I was very sad. Now I see that the Lord was looking out for my future needs. I am in a comfortable and affordable home during this time of economic instability. I have a wonderful job that allows me to work from home – using skills I acquired during more than thirty years of nursing – a noble career and profession I love. The people I work with are wonderful, wise and caring. We have great team spirit and the corporation is stable when others are not. I am truly blessed to be able to earn a decent wage and not be dependant on others.
My writing has improved and expanded under tutelage of excellent teachers this year. I feel honored to be able to share with other writers with similar values and goals. The assistance we render one another is invaluable.
My health is improving, slowly but surely, one step at a time. I am delighted to have found caring physicians, and other helpful health practitioners that have assisted my return to productivity. Good health is so important – yet undervalued until it is lost. In spite of the pain and stress I’ve faced on a daily basis I can honestly say it has been a good learning experience. Because of my experiences I have more compassion and understanding for the patients I deal with and other acquaintances.
So as this year closes, I have reason to believe that it has been one of my best. Lots of love and learning has happened. There is a bright future ahead. I gratefully bow my head and humbly praise our Lord and Creator for his magnificent gifts to me and my family in this season of Thanksgiving.


  1. Well said, Margaret. The Lord truly knows our needs better than we do and hindsight is a wonderful thing. How nice to have your mom close by. I really miss my mom during the holidays. Very sweet, tender reminders of our blessings.
    Thank you.

  2. Very nice, Margaret. I am so glad to hear that your health is improving and that you are doing well. So many people around me are struggling to just make it through another day. One dear sister in the ward has been struggling to attend Church because she is so discouraged. I reminded her that many of us are in the same boat...we all have challenges and it helps when we work together to learn from them. The Savior counseled us to be unified in our commitment to return to him. She brightened up and said she would try really hard to come tomorrow. We truly do have everything to be thankful for.

  3. The Lord does know best even though at the time we don't think so. I'm glad your health is better; I'm hoping mine will be get better some day.


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