Jun 8, 2009

Revisiting Old Friends

by Joyce DiPastena

I'm running my sister to the airport today, so I'll just leave you with two of my favorite quotes:

"Books worth reading are worth re-reading." (Holbrook Jackson)

"We hold if a book be worth reading once, it is worth reading twice, and if it stands a second reading, it may stand a third." (Gilfillan)

I've just recently finished a third re-reading The Convenient Marriage, by Georgette Heyer. I read it once in high school and once in college. My only question as I read it this time was: "What took me so long to read this book again!" (I had seriously forgotten how good it was!)

How long has it been since you've reread an old favorite? If it's been awhile, do yourself a favor...pull one off the shelf and read it again soon!


  1. Today I've got to re-read my WIP for like the tenth time. I wish I felt that way about it, because right now it feels like drudgery.

  2. I always love a good book recommend! But my library doesn't carry Convenient Marriage. It does have some other of Heyer's books. Do you recommend any of those?

    I haven't reread any old favorites, but sometimes I reread the Harry Potter books when the movie is released to theaters.

  3. Oh gosh you'd have to put me in the read them over and over club.

  4. I have so many books to read....it's hard to make time to go back and read the ones I loved. But this is a good reminder. I just wish there was enough time to write, read and re-read....

  5. Marielle,
    I can't think of any of Georgette Heyer's Regencies that I don't love! You probably can't go much wrong with any of her titles. Or let me know which titles your library has, and I'll tell you which ones are my favorites. :-)

    I have a mile high TBR pile, too, but I made a deliberate goal this year to alternate one TBR book with one "old favorite" as I read throughout the year. I have "re-discovered" so many old favorites that it's been very worth my while to push my TBR pile back a bit. :-)

  6. I do need to re-read more books, but there's always so many new ones to read! I wanted to tell you that I’m hosting an incredible giveaway for a $195 EZ View Desktop on my blog. Come on over and enter!

  7. I usually reread old favorites during particularly stressful times of life...it's like finding comfort from an old friend.

  8. Love all of Georgette Heyer's books!! It has been far too long since I reread one of them.

  9. Thanks for reminding me of Georgette Heyer. I remember eating them up, and wishing she'd written more, way back, maybe in the 70's. I've a stack to re-read, but agree with everyone else that it's hard to work in the time with so many new, demanding books. Maybe I ought to learn to speed-read.

  10. I love re-reading books. However, like Krista, I can't seem to even make a dent in my books to read next pile!!!

    But when I do get a chance (usually in the summer), two that I can never seem to read too often (not LDS - I have far too many favorites of those to list here), but the two I love (you may be surprised) are Anthem by Ayn Rand and Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank.

    Whatever you read this summer... enjoy!!!!


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