Oct 4, 2009

A Peaceful Sabbath Day

by Marsha Ward

From the first moment that the Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City began to sing "I Need Thee Every Hour" this morning, to the final talk on service from President Monson, I was given peace and comfort on a glorious, crisp fall day. I love General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

The message of the choir's hymn brought a lump to my throat. Indeed, I need my Savior every hour of every day. "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus," quoted President Eyring, and again my throat tightened in that inimitable way by which I feel the Spirit's testimony to me that a thing is good and true.

Because I have spent most of my time this last week doing service for others, I felt the sweet peace that living the Gospel to the best of my ability brings. As I work on finalizing my presentation to a group of writers later this week, President Monson's words about time management and making choices spoke to me.

One last conference session remains. I hope you can enjoy watching it and receive the peace I have felt.

Peace wasn't the feeling I got from the Afternoon Session. It was ENERGY! and RESOLVE! and a call to REPENTANCE!

My reaction to Elder Holland's talk: WOW!!!

And from Elder Cook, a tidbit I love:

"What happens in Sevier County...you can share with your friends."


  1. I am so grateful for the messages that have been shared with us. Thank you for sharing your testimony of these things as well!

  2. I always feel well schooled from conference as well as spiritually fed. This time was no different. I am looking forward to the November Ensign to study many of them again. Ho blessed we are! Thanks Marsha.

  3. Because of non-member family obligations I had to tape conference. I got through the first Sat session last night. I can't wait to get to Elder Holland's talk. It's all I've heard about. Maybe I'll just fast forward to that one.

  4. Go, Elder Holland!

    As I was taking notes I started circling the names of the speakers whose talks were especially meaningful and/or meant for me and, yeah, pretty much all of them will be on my list to review and ponder when the November issue comes out.

  5. Conference was amazing, as always... and here's my little tid-bit: both of my parents were born and raised in Sevier County so I LOVE that quote!! Love you too, Marsha!


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