Oct 20, 2010

Slowing Down!

By Lynn Parsons

Ever since I heard President Uchtdorf speak about slowing down, it's been preying on my mind.

Last year, I had 80 students on my caseload (I make sure they get the right services, do their paperwork, meet with parents, do testing, etc.). This year I have 111. That means lots of (unpaid) overtime. So, I get home late . . . .

I decided to get my PhD last summer in a reaction to an empty nest. It will also allow me to take a university position . . . with no overtime! But right now, it gives me homework to do.

Thanksgiving means a full house plus grandpa & future daughter in law. Plus 3 November birthdays.

When I started the classes, I didn't know my younger son would be getting married in December. He's also graduating. That means attending his sealing and reception in Logan, followed by Christmas in Logan, then a race back to Texas followed by a reception here!

So, I'm making Christmas plans (and buying presents) for 9 adults and two grandchildren. Plus two stray adults we've picked up along the way. That's going to be one full rental house!

I was trying to rush through the classes and finish sooner, but President Uchtdorf told me to slow down.

I've also decided to change my approach. Instead of letting what I have to do prey on my mind, I've decided to mind my prayers.

I'll let you know how it all turns out!


  1. And you will be blessed for it. Good luck to you. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I loved his talk too and have been pondering it often.

  3. Guess I'd better go listen to it. I think I need the advice.

  4. Loved that talk...and need to look it up and listen again. Seems like we have a lot in common: school, extra people, mom stuff...life is grand! Good for you for listening and setting priorities. Thanks for the example.

  5. I didn't listen to the talk. But you are a good juggler, I couldn't do it all. Keep me updated.


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