Dec 2, 2012

I'm Late. I'm Late, for a VERY Important Date!

By Jennifer Debenham

Two weeks can seem like such a long time until you realize at midnight that your post is due in a few hours. "Wasn't it just LAST Sunday I posted?" Apparently not.

I know I don't hold the corner on busyness, but since my last post I have:

* Helped plan and implement a Ward Thanksgiving Party
* Helped deliver Thanksgiving dinners to needy families.
* Hosted Thanksgiving dinner for 54 people, including purchasing most of the food, making some of it, and baking most of the nearly 30 pies (with the help of my mom and 3 of my sisters, thank goodness).
* Hosted a 40-year Anniversary Party and dinner for my parents
* Held a Birthday party for my husband (and did all the shopping necessary)
* Worked extra hours at work to get ready for our Winter dance recital as well as our new semester of dance classes
* Traveled 4 hours to Utah to:
       * Spend one full day picking out furniture for our new house AND
       * Spend one full day trying to get all my Christmas shopping done since shopping in my small Nevada town is "mucho lame-o" as my children like to inform me.

Of course, all of this was in addition to the regular jobs of a mom.

These past several days I have taken on the persona of the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland--constantly looking at my watch (well, cell phone) with a frantic look on my face as I race off to the next "very important date."

It probably isn't surprising to anyone that I haven't done an ounce of writing that didn't pertain to my work or church calling until now. Thank you ANWA blog assignment!

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

What do you do to make sure, in all the craziness of life, that you have time for following your dreams?


  1. I've been so busy with school and final projects for classes that I didn't realize until I got an email again that it's my day to post tomorrow! It just snuck up on me! So I know how you feel (though I'm still a college student and so I didn't have to do quite as much as you!) As a creative writing major though, I'm required to do a certain amount of writing every week for one of my classes, but other than that I don't spend much time on writing except when required because I'm too busy to think about it. So because of that I thank my Creative Writing class! Good luck on your writing! I'm sure you'll find time somehow!


  2. I try to remember a poster I saw on a classroom wall once. "If it is to be, it is up to me!" While it is important to rely on the Lord, I know that it is up to me to make the choice and get busy and do something about it. Thanks for the great reminder!


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