Dec 19, 2012

What to do?

by Kami Cornwall

Finals are over, Christmas is upon us, and I have a little time on my hands. The problem is...what do I do with it? I want to read this fabulous book about Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents, but I also want to get a little last minute Christmas shopping done, but I need to stay home to do some serious laundry (because little-man spent the whole night praying to the porcelain god and leaving vomity sacrifices all over his bedding and clothing) and I also want to talk to friends on the phone. Oh...and I need to pay some bills.

Sound familiar? Well...except for the vomitousness. I hate vomit. But my love for my little man out-measures my disdain for the stomach bile. So it works.


Oh yes. Because I also have a little time to write for the next few weeks and don't think I haven't been dwelling on THAT little nugget of joy! I have been lying in bed thinking up ways to make my story better. I also think of new stories to write and then some stories that people shared with me at the conference and how excited I am that they are writing such fabulous things that I want to READ!

Here's to having a little time to ourselves during the Christmas Season! Cheers!


  1. Ah yes reading. I am slowly plowing through a ponderous book about the history of Europe. But learning so very much. So happy reading.

  2. I hope your little guy is feeling better and you have had a wonderful Christmas! Happy reading!


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