Dec 8, 2012


by Cindy R. Williams

Oops is a super word. It can be used for almost anything you bungle.

 My day to post was December 8, and thanks to everyday crazy busy stuff, like decorating, and prepping for Christmas, hosting 160 people at a Pigs Feet Christmas party in my home, making tons of fudge, caramels, kettle corn, cinnamon rolls, hosting a guitar, piano and harp recital, directing and acting in a major play, feeding a family of five-not just once, but three times a day-writing for a newspaper, finishing a MG fantasy, running a music studio, preparing for a son leaving home for BYU. Preparing an 18 year old son to leave home for his mission, preparing for my new granddaughter, and generally feeling like I'm a human energizer bunny, my blogging day slipped by. Oops!

A cool thing about blogger is that you can write your post early and schedule it ahead of time, or . . . you can write your post late and back post it. This is one of those back post times. I am too much of a perfectionist to just let it go.

So the kernel of wisdom here is . . . "Oops" is one of the best words in the human language.


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