Dec 22, 2012

In God's Hands You Go - Original Song

By Cindy R. Williams

This is incredible. The young lady in this video is one of my guitar students. In her lesson last week I asked her to write a Christmas song, and then the horrible tragedy happened at the Elementary School Friday, December 14, 2012. Lacee wrote this. She is just that amazing.

Her mother told me Lacee's heart was aching for the children and their families. Her little brother is in kindergarten so it hit home. This song can bring great comfort. I hope it reaches those left behind with broken hearts.

This is really worth three minutes to have your heart strings played.

May we all be a little more kind and hold our loved ones close this Season.

Merry Christmas to all and peace to your hearts.


  1. Wow...there are no words...none. Thank you, Cindy.

  2. Lovely. I love seeing our youth finding their voice and having the courage to share it at such a young age. Go, Lacee.

  3. Please tell Lacee how much I enjoyed her song and thank her for sharing her gift. Thank you, Cindy for inspiring your students to find their voice. hugs~

  4. Awesome at a time when we all needed a bit of comfort.

  5. Agree with you all. How tender the hearts of our youth!


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