Nov 15, 2014

November, My Thankful Month

November has always been a thankful month for me. This year is no different. I have so many things to be grateful for I can't count them. (And I won't bore you with all of them.)

The gratitude feelings I want to share today are for my writer and blogger friends. I remember going to a writing workshop a few years ago and hearing the presenter say she had made so many great friends on line. I thought to myself, that may work for others but not for me. I'm older than most of the writers here, and I'm not very good on my computer. And the younger women will make good friends, but there's no one 'more mature' like me out there.

Well, several years later, I have come to find out I was wrong on both counts. I have gotten a lot better on the computer (because my kids and dear friends teach me how to get around in this electronic world.) But more importantly, I have made some wonderful friends—friends I will have for life. 

Some of them work in the temple just like me.
Some of them get discouraged just like me.
Some of them take a break once in a while just like me.
Some of them change genre's just like me.
Some of them are in my weekly critique group, and we will love each other to the end.
Some of them like to go to lunch just like me.
Some of them enjoy book signings just like me.
Some of them are dedicated wonderful bloggers, and I admire them a lot.
Some of them are just ordinary people like me.

In short, all of them are friends, and I will love them to the end. All of you have opened up a new world of friendship and caring that I never expected to find. Thanks for enriching my life and making it better than I ever dreamed it could be.

Happy Thankful November to each of you. Lots of love, Christy


  1. I love this post so much. I am very grateful to have met your here. I am grateful for all the writer friends I have come to know through technology - I would never have known them otherwise.You are magnificent. hugs~

  2. Kari, I was thinking about you when I wrote this. I'm glad you left a comment. I'm sending you a hug. I'm so glad we're friends.

  3. Christy, you are so my hero! I am very grateful and humbled to know you. Thank you for your friendship, love, writerly support, and example of true goodness and kindness. Much love, Lori


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