Dec 2, 2009

Driven by Distractions

By Lynn Parsons

Many things are changing in my life. After more than 28 years of being a mother, I am about to become an empty nester. I may go back to school. I am a new member of ANWA, and looking forward to my first book publication.

I have seen the hand of the Lord in my life. A combination of divine intervention and choices led me to be a special education teacher for seven years. During that time, I learned about an online parent's group from the father of one of my students. This is where I met my coauthor, Danyelle Ferguson. Our two-year collaboration led to (dis) Abilities in the Gospel: A Guide for Families and Church Leaders, to be published in June by Valor Publishing Group.

This sounds good, doesn't it? Great, in fact! But at a time in my life when I can focus on new adventures, I am deterred by distractions. In my current job as an educational diagnostician, I deal with many interruptions. Phone calls, sudden parent visits, stressed-out teachers, and a variety of other things pull me away from the task at hand. I've learned to pause, make a note, and continue my work.

There are even more distractions in other areas of my life. I'm torn away from preparing my Primary lesson, taking care of my family, book revisions, and marketing plans to deal with the requests of others. I've been asked to sew adult elf costumes, teach knitting classes, and a host of other things. I also have a mounting list of projects I'd like to accomplish. These projects could all be put in the category of "good works", but not at the expense of my religion, family, or life's work.

What to do? What came easily at work is more difficult at home. Many years ago, a wise friend said, "When you say no to something, you are saying yes to something else." I am learning to set my priorities, and taking time to evaluate whether my distractions will detract from the things of true importance.


  1. Welcome Lynn. Yes distractions...I refer to them as the things that keep me from doing the things I want too. If that makes sense. And home is the worst spot for distractions.

  2. Congratulations on your forth coming book, Lynn! I enjoyed reading your thoughts about I wonder why I am sitting here when there are so many things that need doing!

  3. Congrats on your book in June. How wonderful to meet the huge goal of having a book published. Sounds like you are taking hold of the new curves and direction your life is taking, and doing it well.

  4. And what a blessing it was that Heavenly Father put us together! I know that while you think and pray, you'll figure out which path to pursue. You're awesome, Lynn!


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