Aug 25, 2010

Making Money from Twitter

By Lynn Parsons

So, how can you make money from Twitter? You can use it to generate free advertising, or post some sponsored tweets.

To use Twitter as a marketing tool, look for people with similar interests using the search tool. Remember those #hashtags? Search for them! For example, I have a friend opening a candy store soon (no, it’s not near me, so no freebies). She could search for #sweet, #chocolate, #candy, #sweettooth, and other similar words. Then she can send messages to people on Twitter who have used those hashtags and may be interested in earning money by tweeting her message. This also works for books!

Want to earn money directly from tweets? First, go to and sign up. The site will suggest a price per tweet based on your Twitter status. You’ll be asked to pick a category and supply a list of tags—topics that you tweet about. Select a content rating, choose how you want to be notified, say who referred you (I’m @parsonslynn!), and click to register.

Note: Your account needs to be at least two months old and have a minimum of 50 followers to qualify. You’ll be given opportunities when they come up, and you can accept or decline.

Have fun tweeting, and remember I’m @parsonslynn, and I’ll follow you back!


  1. Thanks. I'm learning so much. I haven't really explored twitter although I follow a lot of other people.


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