Oct 5, 2012

Say Cheese!

I used to own a point and shoot camera, but one day it broke.
I never realized how essential a camera was in my life until I went without one.  For a week, I complained to my husband, to my mom and to anyone who would listen.  I needed a new camera, but didn’t have the brain power to research buying one.  Where would I start?  My neighbor, a genius PhD engineer who owns every electronic device on the planet offered to sell me his outdated Sony 12x zoom cyber-shot camera (it was a year old) for a discounted price.
My neighbor’s awesome, so I bought his camera.
I love taking pictures.  My point and shoot camera had worked great.  Just point and shoot, I think that’s the logic.
But this new camera took some getting used to with so many options, buttons and knobs.  I called my neighbor over a few times that first month, not sure how to turn off the flash or zoom in.
Before long, I knew just about everything about my new camera.
The best part?  The quality of photographs I was taking was far superior to my little point and shoot.  My new camera brought me new confidence; after all, the camera was the best and finest. It was nothing I would have picked out by myself.  I would have talked myself out of all the complexities of the camera instead of taking a chance.
I started staging pictures for my children, mainly my daughter. 
I downloaded a great photography program and learned how to photo shop my pictures,
when one day my sister came over with her new baby.
On a whim, I offered to take her infant photos.
Before long I was offering to take photos of friends and family members with new babies.  
It was a great gift to a new mom and something unique me and my camera could offer.
Sometimes developing our talents means trying new things, stepping out of our comfort zone and sharing our talents. 
I think writing demonstrates the same concept.  Yes, we write for our benefit but more importantly, we write hoping somehow our little talent, our fine eye, our expression will help, entertain and inspire someone else.
Here’s to a happy writing day.  Say cheese!


  1. Cheese!
    Love the pictures and the encouragement. Thank you for sharing your talents!

  2. Beautiful pictures! It is a joy to be able to take photos of everything you want. Love the babies! Cheese!

  3. How utterly precious. Keep doing those pics.


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