Jun 9, 2011


by Susan G. Haws
I challenged myself and signed up for a writer’s workshop.  Then I got the pre-workshop assignment and I thought: Oh, no I am in over my head.  But,I had already gotten other people to rearrange their lives so that I could leave town,plus I had the desire to attend.  I figured it would be full of information and intensive. 
I was right.  I am at the workshop now and am enjoying networking and learning. How have you challenged yourself lately? 


  1. Not allowing myself to go to bed until I've finished editing a chapter.

  2. My faith is getting a workout. Maybe that's all I can handle right now.

  3. Good question. I keep having 'life' stuff thrown at me, but I'm positive I need to up my game. Life is full of stuff, right? I need to consciously MAKE time. Thanks for the challenge!

  4. Good for you, Susan! Can't wait to hear all about it.


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