Jun 16, 2011

No More Stangers

by Kari Diane Pike

I've been giving quite a bit of thought to the Savior's admonition for us to become as a little child, and the difference between becoming as a child and being childish. It has been a joy for me to spend a lot of time with most of my grandchildren the past six weeks and witness the simple faith and love children share...along with a few moments of childish meltdowns. (Two year old who got mad at her mom said, "I so angwee...I go a my woom and cwy!" Then she stomped to her room and faked crying for several minutes. Hilarious!)

A few weeks ago I took that same two-year-old granddaughter to a music recital for a couple of her cousins and an aunt. The music teacher's three-year-old daughter and my granddaughter saw each other across the room and immediately ran up to each other and introduced themselves.

"Hi! My name is Rebekah Lyn Wright. "(Only it sounded more like Webekah Lyn Wite.)

"Hi! My name is Rylee Rafferty."

Then they embraced each other in tight hugs. My teenage daughter started rehearsing her musical number and the two little girls grabbed hands and started dancing together. Less than a minute had passed since we arrived and these precious spirits called each other "best-friend."

What would the world be like if we lost our fears and inhibitions and like a child, accepted each other unconditionally. I realize it would be awkward to just run up to a complete stranger and give them a hug. But what about making eye contact and smiling and saying hello? Even a nod of acknowledgement helps someone feel noticed and less invisible. One three-year-old grandson spontaneously greets everyone in the parking lot and grocery store with a hearty,

"Good morning! How are you?"

This never fails to make complete strangers at least turn up the corner of their mouth. More often than not, they will laugh out loud and return his greeting. What if there were no more strangers...only friends we we have yet to meet?


  1. I think we'd (the world) would be infintely better off.

  2. Love post, Kari. Wasn't it Will Rogers who said there were no strangers? They were just friends he hadn't met yet. That's the mindset of most little children. It's sad they lose it.

  3. The world would definitely be a better place. I think we complicate things too much in adulthood.


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