Jun 7, 2014

ANWA Leadership

by Cindy R. Williams

Did you know that ANWA is the premier writing group for LDS women only around the world. Okay, ANWA is the only writing group for LDS women only around the world. There are now 341 members around the United States including Hawaii!

Did you know how ANWA runs?

Did you know the ANWA Executive Presidency exists of five positions:

President:  Peggy Urry. She is the acting President for ANWA for 2014
President Elect:  Cindy R. Williams. (me) My position is more like a Vice President this year and in 2015, I will be the acting President.
President Past: Janette Rallison. She was the acting President in 2013, and as the Past President is still part of the ANWA Executive Presidency for this year.

Think of it in the terms of the Christmas Carol. Peggy is the Ghost of Christmas Present. Cindy is the Ghost of Christmas Future, and Janette is the Ghost of Christmas Past.

Also part of the Executive Presidency are:
Secretary: Deb Eaton
Treasurer:  DeAnn Hufff

The ANWA Executive Presidency meets twice a month. We host a computer or phone meeting through Google + Hang Out in the late evening on the last Thursday of the month. Our second meeting is on the first Tuesday of the month with the ANWA Bod (the nickname for the ANWA Board of Directors). Sometimes these meetings go on for hours . . . many hours.  Meetings where we discuss policies, retreats, marketing, communications, development, finances, conferences and needs of ANWA members.

The ANWA Bod consists of:

Event Chair: Melinda Carroll
Communications Chair:  Nan Marie Swapp
Development Chair:  Donna Hatch
Conference:  Janette Rallison and Rebecca Lamoreaux.
Retreat Chair:  Cindy R. Williams
Membership Chair: Marsha Ward, who is stepping down and will be replaced by Susan Haws at the end of June.  (Thank you Marsha for years and years and years times 10 of your service and heart.)

Many hours, prayer and thought go into ANWA each month. Know that when we all meet together, the concerns of members is of utmost concern to each in the ANWA leadership.

There are also five other ANWA leaders:  The ANWA Regional Directors.

Southwest Regional Director is Melinda Sanchez
Northwest Regional Director is Terry Deighton
International Regional Director is Peggy Urry
Intermountain Regional Director is Jodi Milner
Eastern Regional Director is Terri Wagner

ANWA is an amazing organization with By Laws and rules and regulations and lots of blood, sweat and tears.  Most of all . . . lots of inspiration, creativity, love and laughter!

ANWA forever!


  1. My, oh my, how ANWA has grown over the past two decades! I am so grateful for the friendships that have been forged and the knowledge and talents that have been shared. And to think, it's all started with Marsha...and spread all over the world! Magnificent!

  2. Once again Kari, you always are here to read and comment on our posts, and as usual you say such kind things. Do you know how much we all love you?

    1. Thanks! I love you too! Bunches and bunches.

  3. I never cease to be impressed to be working with such a professional group.

    1. haha, Terri. Now I want to go back and take out my last... ahem...professional comment..I love you bunches and bunches??? hehehe. I really do though. hugs~


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