Mar 3, 2011

Time Management

By Susan G. Haws

The speakers at the ANWA conference and the authors that I have read all recommend writing at a consistent time and place.  I find that if I am interrupted so that I miss my appointed time I generally miss my opportunity for the day.  I have tried early and late and sometimes they work.  I have tried the middle and sometimes it works.  My new goal is to just aim for a time amount a day, and keep an eye open for opportunities. Plus make writing  such a high priority it gets the first opportunity that opens up.  I will try to reorganize my time to get a consistent time frame for writing but as that didn't work in the past I am focusing on flexibility.    I am starting low:  10 minutes a day 5 days a week.  Anything extra is a bonus.  I can't finish projects if I don't write on them.  When do you write?  Do you have new goals since the conference?


  1. I hear that a lot Susan and find myself equally unable to find taht slot of time. Now I'm thinking hmmmm I have this long commute everyday, maybe I could tape record stuff and then transfer it to computer later????

  2. It's hard whether you have limited time in the day or a lot of time. Discipline is definitely a process.

  3. Valerie you are so right. Terri I like the recorder idea since my mind wanders when driving. Then the hard part of finding a time to transcribe it unless you have Dragon speaking program for your computer. I am going to try to get a pattern for minimal distrction time in my house hold.

  4. I usually write very late at night, which wreaks havoc on my daily life (last night I was up ALL night writing a pre-climactic scene). I like the idea of making writing a high priority. Then I'd feel good after getting it done earlier, and it would free up time for housework! Or even more writing.

  5. Kristn,I hope you get a chance to take a nap or two this weekend. I am sure you readers will also have sleepless nights staying up to read your scenes.
    Sometimes I try to stay up latest to write and get out stayed up. But I hope I have that solved now.

  6. Today I've been alternating between finishing a chore and writing 100 words. It's been working wonders!

  7. That last comment was me. Darn it!

  8. Still trying to figure that one out.

  9. I have a hard time with that, too. I'm hoping if I set specific goals I can plan my day around it. We'll see how that goes.


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