Mar 13, 2012

I was subbing

and I couldn't get on the computer. Please forgive. Sometimes RL just catches up with you and wala suddenly it's Wednesday night and you were supposed to post on Tuesday night.



  1. I totally get that. I look forward to reading what you have to say next time! hugs~

  2. Completely understand. Always love to hear from you.

  3. This sweet apology just took me straight back to seventh grade and a tender memory. I had written wa-LA! in a Monday report about a magic show I had seen over the weekend. Mrs. Rose, my seemingly-past-retirement-age teacher, called me up to her desk and let me in on a special secret. She whispered a French word and wrote it on a small piece of paper. The word was "Voila!" I've never forgotten that kindness. She could have marked me wrong, or just ignored the innocent mistake of an 11-year-old child, but she knew I was the kind of kid who would want to know the correct spelling and she taught it to me . . . because she was a good teacher.


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