Mar 19, 2012

A Question About Publishers

By Tracy Astle

I need to tap into the collective brilliance of this great ANWA resource. In the course of deciding what to do now that I have a finished novel, I've learned about agents and what they do, I have learned a bit about independent/self-publishing, but now I want to learn more about submitting directly to a publisher.

I know several of our members have gone this route, so I have some questions for you.
          1. With whom are you published or to whom have you submitted?
          2. How did you find them?
          3. What is it that drew you to them?
          4. If you're published, how has it been working with them?
          5. If you're not yet published, what caused you to opt for submitting to a publisher rather than to an agent or self-publishing?

So, commence with the dispensing of your brilliance, if you please.


  1. I only can answer #5.

    My last two manuscripts were written for the LDS romance market specifically. Really, there are only a few places they can be published, unless I self-pub, which I don't think I'm willing to do. I have both out on submission with an LDS publisher right now. If they get declined, then I have one other publisher I will send them to. After that, I will rewrite them for the national market and go after a literary agent. Don't know who yet. That is still to far away. But I do know this--I will never give up!

  2. For my current WIP, it is a niche romance, so I will only submit to LDS publishers.

    For my other work, I will submit to an agent. I have some mass-market speculative fiction, and an agent is the best way to find a home for my work.

    I will not self publish. While a lot of people have complicated reasons for choosing this method, and I respect everyone's choice, I have a very simple reason: I've yet to read a decent self-published novel. It's simply not work my time.

  3. Gina, you have to look a little deeper, checking Goodreads and Amazon reviews, before you write off a very robust side of the publishing industry.

    I don't know what genres you prefer, but I'm reading excellent mystery, sci-fi, romance, and Western novels by authors who fall into the category of self-published, whether they started out there or are older-but-wiser midlist authors who have seen a new way to make more money with their words.

    I have open offers from several publishers to entertain a look at anything I write, but since I'm currently working on my established (self-published) series, I can't afford the lag time to publish those novels. An antsy reader base will have that effect on publishing choices. :-)

  4. Hi,
    I'm an LDS author, but I don't write inspirational romance. I have trouble sharing my characters' relationship with God. I think it is very personal. I choose to let the morals of my characters speak for them. I've had a difficult time finding a publisher that works for me. Here's my two cents:

    1. I'm published with a publisher who publishes all types of romance, including erotic. I put links on my website to go directly to my books and not to everything. I don't enjoy getting X-rated posts, but I just don't read them. Everyone's good about stating what it is. I also don't go to sites that have the warnings. My last publisher was dishonest. This publisher is working out for me and has been the best to work with. I'm happy with them. I've submitted to many different types of publishers, LDS and otherwise. Although my books are sweet romance without offensive language, they've been rejected.

    2. I found my current publisher by googling sweet romance publishers. This publisher offered me what I wanted.

    3. I wanted a publisher who would re-print my previous titles, who did both ebook and paperback without restrictions, who wasn't a vanity publisher, who had good cover art and who offered on-line tracking of sales. This was not easy to find in a publisher.

    4. I've been very happy with my publisher, editors and cover artist. Not happy with the association of erotica, but I choose to avoid that and have my readers avoid that (books are available through Amazon and B&N).

    I was rejected from a contest, not because of my writing, but because of my publisher. It's their loss.

    I've heard other authors say they wouldn't be with a publisher who printed erotic. To me that's like saying I won't use the internet because there's porn sites on it.

    Sorry if I offended anyone--just being honest.

  5. Thanks so much for the info, ladies. Very helpful.


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