Apr 5, 2012

Blessings Abound

What's a writer to do? I try to write something every day. But then, in order to have something to write about, there's so much of life to experience! Take the past week, for example. 

I decided last Thursday, that it was time for me to pack a bag and head to Tucson first thing Friday morning. I had a bit of a head cold, which made me super thirsty. Drinking a bottle of water every hour resulted in several unplanned stops. (I'll spare you the details.) Then I missed the turn off to highway 93 and drove all the way through downtown Las Vegas. Ugh. My ten hour drive to Phoenix turned in twelve so I gave up there and spent the night at my mom's house. Then I discovered I forgot to fill an important prescription before I left Utah. No problem. I walked into the nearest Walgreen's, ordered a prescription transfer, and arranged to pick my meds up first thing Saturday morning on my way to Tucson. Then my husband called and asked me to go to the credit union Saturday and pick up some cash for his surveyor.

I took care of business at the credit union, but I think I had just passed Picacho Peak when I realized I had forgotten to pick up the prescription. Let me just say, I love Google. After a trip to the zoo, picking up the meds, baseball games, feeding the missionaries, watching/listening to a spectacular General conference -- and after being up most of the last 48 hours, I should be sleeping -- but I find it difficult to come off the high of witnessing the birth of grandbaby #17.

Born Wednesday morning at 6:18 in Tucson, AZ, Emali Anne Carboneau weighed in at 7 pounds 14 oz and is 19.5 inches long. She has chubby cheeks and more chins than a Chinese phone book! Her siblings adore her. Mother and baby are doing exceptionally well.  Emali literally "popped" out gazing at the sunrise -- face up and eyes wide open.  

Witnessing new life come into the world always renews my faith and hope. I feel honored and blessed to be in the presence of such a perfect little being. I bask in the joy of watching the wonderment on the face of my three-year-old granddaughter as she gazes at her new baby sister. I don't know how to describe what I felt as I observed my seven-year-old grandson cuddle Emali and introduce himself: 

"Hi Emali. I'm your big brother Wesly. I love you."

A mixture of pride, hope, love, and joy. 

So please forgive me for posting this so late. I got to tag team with the other Grandma today and get kids off to school and entertain 4 children under the age of four and welcome Emali to her new home. 

 Blessings abound.

1 comment:

  1. oh, so sweet! Detours are filled with excitement and something to blog about ;-D



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