Jan 6, 2014


By Stacy Johnson

I read an interesting article this last week out of More magazine. I don't even know how I got this subscription, but I like some of the articles. It was written by Lisa Schwarzbaum and titled Clearing Space for the Real Me. It hit me that maybe some of my struggles with having time to do what I want to do, let alone what I need to do, are because of the clutter that distracts me from who I really want to be.

Lisa's article talks about the fact that she has 12 t-shirts in her closet and she doesn't even wear 7 of them. (Let's not talk about how many I have and how many of them I wear way too often, but that is beside the point.) She describes the lovely heirloom pate' spreaders that she has held onto for two decades...that she's never even used and how she knows she will never use them. Once she purged a few things, she felt satisfied about the things she did leave on the closet shelf and thrilled to let go of things that no longer reflect her real self. 

So, in an effort to purge things out of my life that I don't need anymore, I am making an effort every month to purge an aspect of my life. January was designated to purge excess clothes hanging in my closet. 

The first week of January, I turned all the hangers in my closet backwards. As I wear them and return them to the closet, they get put back the correct way. At the end of a designated period (probably about 6 months), I donate or get rid of anything still hanging the "wrong" way.

I pulled a few things off the hangers knowing they will never be worn in the next six months and purged quite a few of my ginormous t-shirt collection. I already feel more satisfied about the things I have left in the closet. In fact, I have spent more time in my bedroom lately because it is inviting and slightly less cluttered. It has become more of a retreat for me where I can read or check Facebook on my phone without interruption from my kids. With February underway, I have begun the detox of my office space because it feels OH SO GOOD!! Maybe I will want to spend more time in here doing what I love to do and that is write...

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