Jan 13, 2014

I Can See Clearly Now...

By Claire Enos

"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. It's gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day!"

If you haven't heard the above song, I must insist you listen to it before you read on. Or maybe while you read this blog post! Go look it up, it's called: I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash.

As you all know, it's a brand new year! Life is moving forward and things are getting crazy hectic, but it's wonderful. This year my new year's resolution (I just decided) is to write a blog post a week using a song to express my feelings and my life at that moment in time. I will switch off every other week between this blog and my personal blog, so on the weeks I don't post on this blog I will post on my personal blog which you can find on the right side of the page. Just click on "Between the Lines of Life" under Team Member's Blogs and it'll take you there!

So, this week I clearly chose to use "I Can See Clearly Now" for my theme song. I chose this song because it clearly expresses my thoughts. This song is important to me because it's a song my friend loves to sing when she is feeling happy and renewed. I love the song because it conveys so well the feeling we have when we've just gone through a big trial and we are working on becoming better and learning from our past mistakes.

This is my thought for the next year: I am going to try to be a better person. Grow more spiritually. Learn more about myself. Learn to think for myself and not let others push their thoughts and feelings on me. Learn to stand up for myself. I know that this is a lot to accomplish in 12 short months, but I hope by addressing them in myself I will be more observant to my actions throughout the next year and focus more on being an all around better person to those around me and to myself.

My challenge to each of you this year is to focus more on yourselves. We all know what we need to change in ourselves to be better people, but it takes work. So rather than focusing on little things, focus on being a better person to yourself and to those around you and by doing that you will in turn get rid of other little habits of yours and create new better habits that will help you further yourself.

I love you all!


PS: I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I'm working on doing better. I won't try to make up all my December posts, just the last one since it was around New Years Eve I posted pictures from my New Years Eve and a short thought. Hope you enjoy! Here it is.


  1. Love the song. Great goal. Mine is from the 2012 RS General President, First Observe then Serve. I've spent too much time in the past several years building lists in my head of things to do and losing too much focus on those things. So that's my goal, a sort of Stop and Smell the Roses. Good luck to us both.

  2. Happy New Year Claire! Welcome back! My goal is one word: Rejoice! hugs~


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