May 13, 2009


by Marielle Carlisle

I really enjoyed the lesson this last Sunday in Sunday School. Even though my calling required me to duck in and out of the room throughout the hour, I caught some interesting "aha!" moments.

Our lesson was about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. At one point the instructor asked why we need a Sabbath Day. Many people raised their hands, and most spoke about how they needed a 'spiritual recharge,' to bring the focus of Christ back into their lives after a week of the daily grind.

One sister's comment really struck me. She first talked about the perfume department in those huge Department Stores, and that research shows that after the fourth squirt of perfume, our senses can no longer smell any perfume. She compared this to our lives through the week. We get so caught up in our worldy pursuits, that if we do not take ourselves out of that monotonous cycle of life, we cannot 'smell' the changes or adjustments that need to take place to center our lives around Christ.

Sunday is not merely to take naps and go to church (though both are important!). It breaks up the week, stops the constant spraying of perfume, and offers us a chance to recharge, renew, regroup, re-smell life, if you may.

So, take a deep breath ...

ps I made this for dinner last night, and it was incredible. I will never cook salmon in the oven again.

pps I just finished this over the weekend, and I loved it. Good work, Sarah.


  1. Love that perfume analogy! thanks for sharing. and I looked at the salmon recipe...sounds yummmy! I will have to give it a try. You rock Marielle!

  2. Good point. Sometimes our rut can get deeper and deeper without our notice. Then when we are too deep, we can't get out.
    A weekly break of the routine is like stepping out of the rut so we can re-evaluate it.

    Great post!

    - Chas

  3. Thanks Marielle. I teach that lesson ths Sunday and I will use that perfume analogy.

  4. Thanks for sharing that analogy! It left a sweet impression.

  5. What a great post!! Love the analogy and the heads up on the salmon recipe. I adore salmon!!!!! I have a friend that fishes for it every summer and usually brings me quite a few packages of Wild Alaskan Salmon. Can't wait to try it. Thanks again for the FOOD FOR THOUGHT!!!

  6. Excellent! I love how you connected the links when you wrote "this." How do you do that?

  7. Nice perfume analogy. I'll have to remember that one.

  8. Cindy, when you're typing your post, there is an icon that looks like a little green owl amongst the other options that will link something you've typed to a different webpage. Simply highlight the word(s) that you want, click on the little green owl, and paste the web address into the screen that comes up. Viola!


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