Dec 1, 2012


By Bonnie Harris

I recently attended the Northwest Writers Retreat in Washington. Heather Moore was the guest speaker there and I loved what I learned from her. Her closing remarks had to do with the courage to follow our dreams. You know how notes can be, not always as complete as we'd like them, but here are mine. Basically what I took from it is that we have to try. We have to have the courage to try, even if we're told we can't. It was wonderful to hear her personal story. So keep dreaming, keep trying, and Happy Writing!

Courage to follow dreams--heather Moore

Related to procrastination, is universal, it never sleeps, plays for keeps, fueled by fear, fed by fear, most powerful @ finish line, recruits alies

Can come from people you know and love
Don't compare your worst self to someone's best self
Begin with a prayer- use writing time wisely, do I need to be doing sketching else
I'd you wan it you'll make time for it

Be supportive of other writers and their successes

Embracing your calling
We are told as a child our dreams are impossible
Fear of the defeats on the paths
Fear of realizing the dreams we've worked so hard for

What I took from it is that we have to try. We have to have the courage to try, even if we're told we can't. It was wonderful to hear her personal story. So . . .

Keep dreaming

Keep trying 


Happy Writing!


  1. This was one of two blog postings in my feed today with the topic courage. I think society needs to hear this. For me I was recently courageous in applying for a job after working for the last 25 years for hugs and kisses at home. I interviewed for the only job I applied for and got it. I started this last week and it has been a learning curve. Each day on the job I had to screw up my courage to do something outside of my comfort zone and each time came away feeling great. My next step in courage will be to query agents about my book. Thanks for this post Bonnie.

  2. thanks for sharing this Bonnie! I needed to hear those words. hugs~

  3. Excellent post. Wish I could've been at the Northwest retreat this year. Hoping for next! Thanks for the well-timed words.


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