Dec 24, 2010

The Promised Pictures

Merry Christmas, everyone! I should probably be posting something more to do with Christmas, but let's just say that this posting reflects an early Christmas gift given my son (and me) by a terrific young lady...and she ended up being as much a recipient as the giver. If you didn't read my posting two weeks ago, you should probably check it out first here.

I know this is Christmas Eve, but I promised you pictures of my son's first formal night out two weeks ago. He had so much fun and loved the dancing. Generally, by 10 pm he begins to get grumpy with fatigue and wants to go to bed, so I was surprised that he stayed out until 11:30! The dinner part worked fine, too.

The real surprise of the evening was Lily's reaction. She told my husband the next day in church that Jason had "raised the bar" in dating. To quote her from a Facebook posting:

Jason was a wonderful date!! We danced for hours and I don't think I've had such a fun date in a while!! :D


  1. Thank you for the follow-up and pictures. I'm glad there are girls out there like Lily who can forget themselves and have a good time. Glad Jason had a great time!

  2. Lily and Jason are both so lucky. What a wonderful girl. Thank you for sharing. That is the real spirit of giving and Christmas, especially that she had fun too.

  3. Wonderful story. Great pics. Another reason to be of good cheer today. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love the pictures. Love the heartwarming story of what it truly means to love our brothers and sisters. Love the hope and joy this story brought to my heart. Merry Christmas!


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