Mar 12, 2010

What the Right Promotion Can Do

by Joan Sowards

My children live to make movies. They have several shorts on YouTube and have entered a few film festivals and even won awards. Listen to Mom—bragging again.

But an interesting thing happened within the last week. My sons and their friends made a live video version of the opening song “After Today” of The Goofy Movie released back in '95. After winning first place in the Phoenix Valley Institute Film Festival in November 2009, they put it on YouTube. In a little over three months, it had earned 5,000 views.

On Thursday of last week, the view count skyrocketed by thousands! After doing an Internet search, they found that two popular video sights had posted and recommended it.

Within a week, the video has had over 112,000 views. It just goes to show what can happen with the right promotional support. Imagine if we could get that kind of boost for our published works, how far we could go.

Keep buzzing. Keep reading and reviewing. Keep writing. Our names will be on the best-sellers lists yet.

Click here to watch “After Today.” (It is also in Japanese, Spanish, and French.)


  1. Yep there's nothing like self promotion. Certainly worked for Steven Spielberg and John Grisham.

  2. This video is absolutely precious. I can tell their techniques have improved from their earlier vids.

  3. I love it! I saw the video the other day when someone else posted a link on facebook...amazing! Your family has so much talent. btw...did I tell you my daughters and I sang one of your songs for a YW program last month? Everyone wanted to know where we got the song...I sent them to your website.

  4. That was awesome. They are so good. My son would love to do that. Thanks for the tip.
    Now, how do we applied it to us?
    Have you have them do a video with the trailer of your books yet?
    Anna del C.
    Author of "The Silent Warrior Trilogy"

  5. That's a great video! I've never seen that movie, but I might just have to check it out.


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